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2 participantes

    3rd Classes


    Mensajes : 98
    Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2009

    3rd Classes Empty 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  VampireLord Mar Feb 17, 2009 6:12 pm

    3rd Classes Warlock_m_front_walk3rd Classes Warlock_f_front_walk
    3rd Classes Warlock_m_front_sit3rd Classes Warlock_f_front_sit


    3rd Classes WL_Radius Radius
    Max LV: 3
    Prerequisites: -
    Type: Passive
    Description: Reduce el cast de las skills del warlock y el rango de aquellas tambien.
    [Level 1] : Rango +1 Cell / Cast time - 4%
    [Level 2] : Rango +2 Cell / Cast time - 6%
    [Level 3] : Rango +3 Cell / Cast time - 8%

    3rd Classes WL_Drain_Life Drain Life
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Radius LV 1
    Type: Damage / Recovery
    Description: Golpeas un solo objetivo, y absorves parte de el daño hecho pero como hp.
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia de elemento neutro 500% / 10% Absorsion del daño / 62% oportunidad de absorber
    [Level 2] : Daño de magia de elemento neutro 500% / 15% Absorsion del daño / 64% oportunidad de absorber
    [Level 3] : Daño de magia de elemento neutro 500% / 20% Absorsion del daño / 66% oportunidad de absorber
    [Level 4] : Daño de magia de elemento neutro 500% / 25% Absorsion del daño / 68% oportunidad de absorber
    [Level 5] : Daño de magia de elemento neutro 500% / 30% Absorsion del daño / 70% oportunidad de absorber

    3rd Classes WL_Soul_Expansion Soul Expansion
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Drain Life LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Golpeas un enemigo a larga distancia con daño elemento ghost. si esta skill es usada en un objetivo en estado de White Imprison, la skill causa el doble de daño.
    [Level 1] : Daños de magia elemento Ghost 200%
    [Level 2] : Daños de magia elemento Ghost 300%
    [Level 3] : Daños de magia elemento Ghost 400%
    [Level 4] : Daños de magia elemento Ghost 500%
    [Level 5] : Daños de magia elemento Ghost 600%

    3rd Classes WL_White_Imprison White Imprison
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Soul Expansion LV 3
    Type: Status Effect
    Description: Encarcelas a el objetivo detras de una cortina de magia blanca, haciendo imposible el movimiento del objetivo. en este estado el objetivo no puede recivir daño que no sea de elemento ghost. puedes usar esta skill en ti mismo, sin embargo al terminar el efecto se te restan 2000 de HP.
    [Level 1] : Rango de acierto 50%
    [Level 1] : Rango de acierto 60%
    [Level 1] : Rango de acierto 70%
    [Level 1] : Rango de acierto 80%
    [Level 1] : Rango de acierto 90%

    3rd Classes WL_Spell_Frozen Stasis
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Drain Life LV 1
    Type: Status Effect
    Description: Distorsionas el aire alrededor tuyo, haciendo imposible que en el area se puedan hacer magias.
    [Level 1] : 10s Duracion
    [Level 2] : 15s Duracion
    [Level 3] : 20s Duracion
    [Level 4] : 25s Duracion
    [Level 5] : 30s Duracion

    3rd Classes WL_Release Release
    Max LV: 2
    Prerequisites: -
    Type: Active / Special
    Description: Lanzas tu Fire Ball / Ball Lightening / Water Ball / Stone activa para dañar al enemigo.
    [Level 1] : Lanzas una sola piedra mágica a un objetivo.
    [Level 2] : Lanzas todas las piedras mágicas faltantes al objetivo.

    3rd Classes WL_Recognize_Spell Recognized Spell
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Release LV 2, Stasis LV 1, White Imprison LV 3
    Type: Special Status
    Target: Self
    Description: Para una mayor comprension de la magia, puedes hacer que todas tus magias produscan el mayor daño posible. Sin embargo, las habilidades consumiran 25% mas SP.
    [Level 1] : 20s Duracion
    [Level 2] : 30s Duracion
    [Level 3] : 40s Duracion
    [Level 4] : 50s Duracion
    [Level 5] : 60s Duracion

    3rd Classes WL_Marsh_of_Abyss Marsh of Abyss
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Quagmire LV 1
    Type: Debuff
    Description: Maldices a un objetivo con Marsh of Abyss, haciendo lento su movimiento y reduciendo su DEX/AGI. Esta habilidad solo aplica la mitad de las reducciones a otros jugadores.
    [Level 1] : Agi / Dex - 6%
    [Level 2] : Agi / Dex - 12%
    [Level 3] : Agi / Dex - 18%
    [Level 4] : Agi / Dex - 24%
    [Level 5] : Agi / Dex - 30%

    3rd Classes WL_Summon_Fire_BallSummon Fire Ball
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Meteor Storm LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Invocas una esfera de fuego cerca del invocador que explota cuando es atacado. Entre mas alto el nivel de la habilidad mas esferas podras invocar. Mantener las esferas gasta SP durante el tiempo.
    [Level 1] : Max 1 Fire Ball / Causa 100% Daño de magia elemental de fuego / 30s Duracion
    [Level 2] : Max 2 Fire Ball / Causa 150% Daño de magia elemental de fuego / 40s Duracion
    [Level 3] : Max 3 Fire Ball / Causa 200% Daño de magia elemental de fuego / 50s Duracion
    [Level 4] : Max 4 Fire Ball / Causa 250% Daño de magia elemental de fuego / 60s Duracion
    [Level 5] : Max 5 Fire Ball / Causa 300% Daño de magia elemental de fuego / 70s Duracion

    3rd Classes WL_Crimson_RockCrimson Rock
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Summon Fire Ball LV 1
    Type: Active / Daño
    Description: Invocas un gran meteorito sobre un objetivo, golpeando a todos los enemigos cerca. Cuando el meteorito choca en el suelo crea una onda de choque que empuja a los enemigos cuasandoles Stun.
    [Level 1] : 500% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 2] : 550% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 3] : 600% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 4] : 650% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 5] : 700% Daño de magia elemental de fuego

    3rd Classes WL_Hell_Inferno Hell Inferno
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Crimson Rock LV 3
    Type: Damage / Status Effect
    Description: Convocas el fuego del infierno para incinerar un objetivo. La habilidad causa el estado alterado [Burning], el cual daña al objetivo con elemento fuego a lo largo del tiempo.
    [Level 1] : 500% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 2] : 550% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 3] : 600% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 4] : 650% Daño de magia elemental de fuego
    [Level 5] : 700% Daño de magia elemental de fuego

    3rd Classes WL_Comet Comet
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Hell Inferno LV 3
    Type: Damage / Status Effect
    Description: Invocas un meteorito del espacio que choca en el suelo causando daño en un rango de 15x15 celdas. La habilidad causa el estado alterado [Burning], el cual daña al objetivo con elemento fuego a lo largo del tiempo. Los enemigos cerca a el epicentro del choque reciben mayor daño. Esta habilidad requiere 2 Warlocks juntos para ser invocada.
    [Level 1] : 800% ~ 2000% Fire Element Magic Damage
    [Level 2] : 1000% ~ 2500% Fire Element Magic Damage
    [Level 3] : 1200% ~ 3000% Fire Element Magic Damage
    [Level 4] : 1400% ~ 3500% Fire Element Magic Damage
    [Level 5] : 1600% ~ 4000% Fire Element Magic Damage

    3rd Classes WL_Summon_Water_Ball Summon Water Ball
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Storm Gust LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Invocas una esfera de agua cerca del invocador que explota cuando es atacado. Entre mas alto el nivel de la habilidad mas esferas se podrá invocar. Mantener las esferas consume SP durante el tiempo.
    [Level 1] : Max 1 Water Ball / Causa 100% Daño de magia elemental de hielo / 30s Duracion
    [Level 2] : Max 2 Water Ball / Causa 150% Daño de magia elemental de hielo / 40s Duracion
    [Level 3] : Max 3 Water Ball / Causa 200% Daño de magia elemental de hielo / 50s Duracion
    [Level 4] : Max 4 Water Ball / Causa 250% Daño de magia elemental de hielo / 60s Duracion
    [Level 5] : Max 5 WaterBall / Causa 300% Daño de magia elemental de hielo / 70s Duracion

    3rd Classes WL_Frost_Misty Frosty Misty
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Summon Water Ball LV 1
    Type: Debuff
    Description: Cubres un area de 15x15 celdas con una niebla fria, causando daño y provocando el estado [Freezing] a los objetivos que entren en la niebla. Objetivos atrapados en el estado [Freezing] tienen su defensa, velocidad de ataque y velocidad de movimiento reducidas, y tardan mas en realizar magias.
    [Level 1] : 30% de oportunidad de causar [Freezing]
    [Level 2] : 40% de oportunidad de causar [Freezing]
    [Level 3] : 50% de oportunidad de causar [Freezing]
    [Level 4] : 60% de oportunidad de causar [Freezing]
    [Level 5] : 70% de oportunidad de causar [Freezing]

    3rd Classes WL_Jack_Frost Jack Frost
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Frost Misty LV 3
    Type: Debuff
    Description: Dañas con elemento agua a todos los objetivos en estado [Freezing]
    [Level 1] : 300% Daño de magia elemental de hielo
    [Level 2] : 400% Daño de magia elemental de hielo
    [Level 3] : 500% Daño de magia elemental de hielo
    [Level 4] : 600% Daño de magia elemental de hielo
    [Level 5] : 700% Daño de magia elemental de hielo

    3rd Classes WL_Summon_Lightning_Ball Summon Lightning Ball
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Lord of Vermilion LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Invocas una esfera de rayos cerca del invocador que explota cuando es atacado. Entre mas alto el nivel de la habilidad más esferas podras invocar. Mantener las esferas consume SP durante el tiempo.
    [Level 1] : Max 1 Ball Lightening / Causa 100% Daño de magia elemental de viento / 30s Duracion
    [Level 2] : Max 2 Ball Lightening / Causa 150% Daño de magia elemental de viento / 40s Duracion
    [Level 3] : Max 3 Ball Lightening / Causa 200% Daño de magia elemental de viento / 50s Duracion
    [Level 4] : Max 4 Ball Lightening / Causa 250% Daño de magia elemental de viento / 60s Duracion
    [Level 5] : Max 5 Ball Lightening / Causa 300% Daño de magia elemental de viento / 70s Duracion

    3rd Classes WL_Chain_Lightning Chain Lightning
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Summon Lightning Ball LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Dañas a un objetivo con elemento viento. Cuando el objetivo atrapado en la cadena de rayos, la cadena de rayos tambien golpeara a los enemigos que se encuentren cerca. Entre mas alto el nivel de la habilidad mayor será el numero de cadenas provocadas.
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia elemental de viento 300% / 5 Cadenas
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia elemental de viento 400% / 6 Cadenas
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia elemental de viento 500% / 7 Cadenas
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia elemental de viento 600% / 8 Cadenas
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia elemental de viento 700% / 9 Cadenas

    3rd Classes WL_Summon_Stone Summon Stone
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Heaven's Drive LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Invocas una esfera de piedra cerca del invoador que explota cuando es atacado. Entre mas alto el nivel de la habilidad más esferas podras invocar. Mantener las esferas consume SP durante el tiempo.
    [Level 1] : Max 1 Stone / Causa 100% Daño de magia elemental de tierra / 30s Duracion
    [Level 2] : Max 2 Stone / Causa 150% Daño de magia elemental de tierra / 40s Duracion
    [Level 3] : Max 3 Stone / Causa 200% Daño de magia elemental de tierra / 50s Duracion
    [Level 4] : Max 4 Stone / Causa 250% Daño de magia elemental de tierra / 60s Duracion
    [Level 5] : Max 5 Stone / Causa 300% Daño de magia elemental de tierra / 70s Duracion

    3rd Classes WL_Sienna_Execrate Sienna Execrate
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Summon Stone LV 1
    Type: Status Effect
    Description: Causa Stone Curse status a un solo objetivo y a todos los players cerca de el.
    [Level 1] : 50% de acierto / 3 x 3 Area
    [Level 2] : 55% de acierto / 5 x 5 Area
    [Level 3] : 60% de acierto / 5 x 5 Area
    [Level 4] : 65% de acierto / 7 x 7 Area
    [Level 5] : 70% de acierto / 7 x 7 Area

    3rd Classes WL_Earth_Strain Earth Strain
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Sienna Execrate LV 1
    Type: Damage / Debuff
    Description: Causa que la tierra debajo tuyo tiemble y salgan rocas debajo tuyo, provocando daño a todo lo que este dentro del rango. El temblor causa que los jugadores pierdan su arma y sus cascos.
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia elemental de tierra 360% / 3% Oportunidad de causar Divest Weapon & Divest Helm
    [Level 2] : Daño de magia elemental de tierra 420% / 5% Oportunidad de causar Divest Weapon & Divest Helm
    [Level 3] : Daño de magia elemental de tierra 500% / 7% Oportunidad de causar Divest Weapon & Divest Helm
    [Level 4] : Daño de magia elemental de tierra 600% / 9% Oportunidad de causar Divest Weapon & Divest Helm
    [Level 5] : Daño de magia elemental de tierra 700% / 11% Oportunidad de causar Divest Weapon & Divest Helm

    3rd Classes WL_Tetra_Vortex Tetra Vortex
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Comet LV 5, Jack Frost LV 5, Chain Lightning LV 5, Earth Strain LV 5
    Type: Damage / Debuff
    Description: Invocas éter de 4 elementos, para causar daño de cada elemento. Tetra Vortex requeire que antes hayas invocado una Fire Ball, Water Ball, Ball Lightening, and Stone si no la habilidad fallará. Los objetivos atrapados en el Tetra Vortex podran recibir un estado alterado de Burning, Freezing, Stun, y Bleeding .
    [Level 1] : Daño de magia de los 4 elementos 500% * 4 hits / Un estado al azar de Burning, Freezing, Stun y Bleeding
    [Level 2] : Daño de magia de los 4 elementos 600% * 4 hits / Un estado al azar de Burning, Freezing, Stun y Bleeding
    [Level 3] : Daño de magia de los 4 elementos 700% * 4 hits / Un estado al azar de Burning, Freezing, Stun y Bleeding
    [Level 4] : Daño de magia de los 4 elementos 800% * 4 hits / Un estado al azar de Burning, Freezing, Stun y Bleeding
    [Level 5] : Daño de magia de los 4 elementos 900% * 4 hits / Un estado al azar de Burning, Freezing, Stun y Bleeding

    Última edición por VampireLord el Mar Feb 17, 2009 6:16 pm, editado 1 vez

    Mensajes : 98
    Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2009

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  VampireLord Mar Feb 17, 2009 6:13 pm

    Rune Knight:
    3rd Classes RuneKnight_m_front_walk3rd Classes RuneKnight_f_front_walk
    3rd Classes Rkm_m_wait3rd Classes Rkm_f_wait

    3rd Classes RK_Enchant_BladeEnchant Blade
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Rune Mastery LV 2
    Type: Support
    Target: Self
    Duration : 300 seconds
    Description: Enchants your blade with magic, allowing your to deal additional magic damage with your physical attacks. Each level increases the magic damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Magic Attack Power +60 +70 +80 +90 +100
    SP Cost 40 45 50 55 60

    3rd Classes RK_Sonic_WaveSonic Wave
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Enchant Blade LV 3
    Type: Damage
    Description: Slam your weapon into the ground to unleash a shockwave that strikes an opponent at a distance. The farther away the target is, the less damage they take.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power 300% 350% 400% 450% 500%
    SP Cost 30 35 40 45 50

    3rd Classes RK_Death_BoundDeath Bound
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Enchant Blade LV 2, Counter Attack LV 1
    Type: Damage / Counterattack
    Description: The damage you receive is amplified and used against the attacker. However, you still receive a portion of the amplified damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    SP Cost 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

    3rd Classes RK_Hundred_SpearHundred Spear
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Phantom Thrust LV 3
    Type: Damage
    Description: Spear exclusive skill. A skill that strikes a single target rapidly in quick succession to deal high damage. Also has a chance to invoke spear boomerang.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power 640% 680% 720% 760% 800% 840% 880% 920% 960% 1000%
    SP Cost 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

    3rd Classes RK_Wind_CutterWind Cutter
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Enchant Blade LV 5
    Type: Area Damage
    Description: Two Handed Sword exclusive skill. Swinging a large two handed sword, the rune knight can create huge presure that throws enemies away. There is a chance to cause fear status on those affected.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power 150% 200% 250% 300% 350%
    SP Cost 20 24 28 32 36

    3rd Classes RK_Ignition_BreakIgnition Break
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Sonic Wave LV 2, Wind Cutter LV 3, Death Bound LV 5
    Type: Area Damage
    Description: Two Handed Sword exclusive skill. The rune knight makes their sword incredibly hot, triggering an explosion that deals fire element damage to all targets nearby. Targets closer to the player receive higher damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power 400%-200%-200% 600%-400%-300% 800%-600%-400% 1000%-800%-500% 1200%-1000%-600%
    SP Cost 35 40 45 50 55

    3rd Classes RK_Dragon_TrainingDragon Training
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Cavalier Mastery LV 1
    Type: Passive
    Description: Allows the user to use a dragon mount. Increasing the skill level recovers your lost attack speed when using the mount, and also slightly increases the damage of dragon breath.

    3rd Classes RK_Dragon_BreathDragon Breath
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Dragon Training LV 2
    Type: Area Damage
    Description: Causes the dragon to breath incredibly hot fire, with a chance to cause burning which deals damage over time. The damage of dragon breath is dependant on the condition of the rider.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    SP Cost 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

    3rd Classes RK_Dragon_HowlingDragon Howling
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Dragon Training LV 2
    Type: Debuff
    Description: The dragon lets out a terrible howl, causing fear status to those within range. Howling however can negatively affect the performance of the dragon.

    3rd Classes RK_Rune_MasteryRune Mastery
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: None
    Type: Passive
    Description: Rune mastery gives rune knights an understanding to the use and creation of runes. With this skill rune knights can craft runes, and higher levels influence the success rate. There are 9 different types of runes, and the higher level ones require higher level rune mastery to craft.

    To craft a rune, you need at least one rune ore in your inventory. The better the type of ore you use, the higher chance you have of success.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Rune Type Thurisaz Isa Wyrd Hagalaz Othila Uruz Raido Nauthiz Berkana -

    3rd Classes RK_Phantom_ThrustPhantom Thrust
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Brandish Spear LV 2
    Type: Active
    Description: Spear Exclusive Skill. The rune knight strikes a target from far away, pulling that target towards the user. This skill can be used on party members, but when done so it deals no damage. Has a range of 5 cells.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power 100% 120% 140% 160% 180%
    SP Cost 15 18 21 24 27

    Mensajes : 98
    Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2009

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  VampireLord Mar Feb 17, 2009 6:13 pm

    Arck Bishop:
    3rd Classes ArcBishop_m_front_walk3rd Classes ArcBishop_f_front_walk
    3rd Classes ArcBishop_m_front_sit3rd Classes ArcBishop_f_front_sit

    3rd Classes AB_JudexJudex
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Turn Undead LV 1
    Type: Holy Attribute Magic
    Description: A magic attack that deals holy attribute damage to a target and all targets in the surounding 3 cells.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Magic Attack Power 300% 320% 340% 360% 400%
    SP Cost 30 33 36 39 42

    3rd Classes AB_AncillaAncilla
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Clementia LV 3
    Type: Ancilla Creation
    SP Cost: 30% of Max SP
    Description: Allows creation of the magic stone known as Ancilla. (Consumes 1 Blue Gemstone)
    (Ancilla item recovers 15% of Max SP, Maximum of 3 can be held at a time.)

    3rd Classes Ab_adoramusAdoramus
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Ancilla LV 1, Judex LV 1, Magnus Exorcismus LV 1
    Type: Holy Attribute Magic
    Description: Strikes a single target for damage with a powerful holy light that also causes blind and agility down effect. This skill consumes 1 blue gemstone. If the caster is standing next to another priest type character however, the gemstone requirement is negated, but the other priest incurs a portion of the SP casting cost.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power 300% 400% 500% 600% 700% 800% 900% 1000% 1100% 1200%
    SP Cost 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56

    3rd Classes Ab_clementiaClementia
    Max LV: 3
    Prerequisites: Blessing LV 1
    Type: Support
    Description: Casts the skill 'Blessing' on the target and any party members within a radius of that target.
    Skill Level 1 2 3
    Area of Effect Around Target 3 cells 5 cells 7 cells
    SP Cost 200 220 240

    3rd Classes Ab_cantoCanto Candidus
    Max LV: 3
    Prerequisites: Increase AGI LV 1
    Type: Support
    Description: Casts the skill 'Increase AGI' on the target and any party members within a radius of that target.
    Skill Level 1 2 3
    Area of Effect Around Target 3 cells 5 cells 7 cells
    SP Cost 145 160 175

    3rd Classes Ab_chealColuceo Heal
    Max LV: 3
    Prerequisites: Heal LV 1
    Type: Support
    Description: Casts the skill 'Heal' on the target and any party members within a radius of that target.
    Skill Level 1 2 3
    Area of Effect Around Target 3 cells 5 cells 7 cells
    SP Cost 130 145 160

    3rd Classes Ab_epiclesisEpiclesis
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Ancilla LV 1, Highness Heal LV 1
    Type: Summons
    Description: Summons a holy tree of life for a short period of time, resurrecting the dead and recovering HP/SP of all players nearby. Undead and Demon monsters that approach the tree receive holy damage. Consumes 300 SP regardless of level and one Ancilla stone.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Increase in MaxHP 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
    HP Regen/second 300 350 400 450 500
    SP Regen/second 2 3 4 5 6

    3rd Classes Ab_praefatioPraefatio
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Kyrie Eleison LV 1
    Type: Support
    Description: All party members receive the protection of the skill 'Kyrie Eleison' from the caster.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Maximum Hits Blocked 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    3rd Classes Ab_oratioOratio
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Praefatio LV 5
    Type: Debuff
    Description: Decreases the holy attribute resistance of all enemies on screen.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Success Rate 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90%
    Holy Attribute Resistance Reduction 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%

    3rd Classes Ab_laudaagnusLauda Agnus
    Max LV: 4
    Prerequisites: Status Recovery LV 1
    Type: Recovery
    Description: Cures status effects Freeze, Petrification, and Blind from all party members.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4
    Success Rate 35% 40% 45% 50%
    SP Cost 50 60 70 80

    3rd Classes Ab_laudaramusLauda Ramus
    Max LV: 4
    Prerequisites: Lauda Agnus LV 2
    Type: Recovery
    Description: Cures status effects Sleep, Stun and Silence from all party members.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4
    Success Rate 35% 40% 45% 50%
    SP Cost 50 60 70 80

    3rd Classes Ab_eucharisticaEucharistica
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Epiclesis LV 1, Expiatio LV 1
    Type: Passive
    Description: Increases attack power and reduces damage when facing demon race and shadow property monsters.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
    Resistance 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%

    3rd Classes Ab_renovatioRenovatio
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Coluceo Heal LV 3
    Type: Recovery
    Description: Recovers 500HP every 5 seconds.

    3rd Classes Ab_highnesshealHighness Heal
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Renovatio LV 1
    Type: Recovery
    Description: Heals a target for much more than the normal 'Heal' skill.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Heal Recovery Rate 1.4 times 1.8 times 2.2 times 2.6 times 3.0 times
    SP Cost 58 69 80 91 102

    3rd Classes Ab_clearanceClearance
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Lauda Ramus LV 2
    Type: Special
    Description: Affects all party members and enemies on screen and removes all of their buffs, debuffs, and status ailments.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Success Rate 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
    SP Cost 54 60 66 72 78

    3rd Classes Ab_expiatioExpiatio
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Oratio LV 5 , Duple Light LV 5
    Type: Support
    Description: Infusing a weapon with holy power allows the target to bypass a portion of an enemies physical defense.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Defense Bypassing 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
    Duration 30s 60s 90s 120s 150s
    SP Cost 35 40 45 50 55

    3rd Classes Ab_duplelightDuple Light
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Aspersio LV 1
    Type: Active
    Description: Summons two holy lights which periodically assist while dealing melee damage. One light deals magical damage, and one deals physical damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Pysical/Magical Attack Power 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
    Duration 45s 50s 55s 60s 65s 70s 75s 80s 85s 90s
    SP Cost 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

    3rd Classes Ab_silentiumSilentium
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Clearance LV 1
    Type: Debuff
    Description: Strikes all enemies in range centered around your character with the skill 'Lex Divina'.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Range 7 cells 9 cells 11 cells 13 cells 15 cells
    SP Cost 24 28 32 36 40

    Mensajes : 98
    Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2009

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  VampireLord Mar Feb 17, 2009 6:14 pm

    3rd Classes Ranger_m_front_walk3rd Classes Ranger_f_front_walk
    3rd Classes RangerWolf_m_front_wait3rd Classes RangerWolf_m_fron_attack13rd Classes RangerWolf_f_front_attack1

    3rd Classes RA_Ranger_MainRanger Main
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: -
    Type: Passive
    Description: When fighting Brute, Plant, and Fish type monsters, increases your attack power and decreases received damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50
    Resistance +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 +45 +50

    3rd Classes RA_CamouflageCamouflage
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Ranger Main LV 1
    Type: Active / Buff
    Target: Self
    Description: Hide yourself from view of monsters while standing near walls and obstacles. Your character will appear transparant. While in camouflage status your critical chance and attack power is increased, but decreases your defense. When camouflage status ends your attack power, critical, and defense returns to normal. Until you re-use the skill to cancel its effect, it will continaully drain SP. With high enough level you can use the skill without being near an obstacle.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    SP Cost per Second 6 5 4 3 2
    Movement Can't Move Can't Move Move Slowly Move Slowly Move Slowly

    3rd Classes RA_Aimed_BoltAimed Bolt
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Ankle Snare LV 5
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: When used against an immobile status target (Ankle Snare, Electric Shocker, Warg Bite effect), deals a huge amount of damage. Deals additional damage based on the size of the target. The skill will fail if you do not have enough arrows. Using this skill cancels the immobile status.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power 220% 240% 260% 280% 300% 320% 340% 360% 380% 400%
    Hits ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
    SP Cost 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

    3rd Classes RA_Arrow_StormArrow Storm
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Aimed Bolt LV 5
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Fires a storm of arrows on a designated target and a 5x5 area around them. Consumes 10 arrows.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power 250% 300% 350% 400% 450% 500% 550% 600% 650% 700%
    SP Cost 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

    3rd Classes RA_Fear_BreezeFear Breeze
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Camouflage LV 1, Arrow Storm LV 5
    Type: Support
    Description: Durring the durration has a chance of increasing the number of attacks. When you deal additional hits, it consumes additional arrows.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Number of Attack +1 +1 +1 ~ +2 +1 ~ +3 +1 ~ +4
    Probability 4% 4% 7% 9% 10%
    Duration 60s 90s 120s 150s 180s
    SP Cost 36 40 44 48 52

    3rd Classes RA_DetonatorDetonator
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Cluster Bomb LV 3
    Type: Active / Special
    Description: Immediately activates a trap on the ground. The trap has an area of effect of 7 x 7 cells around the trap. It can be used with both Hunter and Ranger traps. However, you cannot detonate traps of another player.

    3rd Classes RA_Firing_TrapFiring Trap
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Detonator LV 1
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: When the trap activates it deals damage in a 3x3 area and causes [Burning] status. Increased skill level increases the chance to status. To use the skill you need one Special Alloy Trap.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Success Rate 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

    3rd Classes RA_Icebound_TrapIcebound Trap
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Detonator LV 1
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: When the trap activates it deals damage in a 3x3 area and causes [Freezing] status. Increased skill level increases the chance to status. To use the skill you need one Special Alloy Trap.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Success Rate 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

    3rd Classes RA_Electric_ShorkElectric Shocker
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Shockwave Trap LV 5
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: Like Ankle Snare causes immobile status while at the same time draining the targets SP. Electric Shocker cannot be removed with the hunter skill remove trap. To place you need one Special Alloy Trap.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    SP Drain per Second 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
    Duration 20s 20s 20s 20s 20s

    3rd Classes RA_Research_TrapResearch Trap
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Claymore Trap LV 1, Remove Trap LV 1
    Type: Passive
    Description: Increases damage with Hunter and Ranger trap damage, and increases INT and MaxSP.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Additional Damage +40 +80 +120 +160 +200
    INT +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
    Max SP +10 +20 +30 +40 +50

    3rd Classes RA_Magenta_TrapMargenta Trap
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Research Trap LV 1
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to fire property. Does not affect boss type monsters or players, and consumes one Red Blood and a Special Alloy Trap.

    3rd Classes RA_Cobalt_TrapCobalt Trap
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Research Trap LV 1
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to water property. Does not affect boss type monsters or players, and consumes one Crystal Blue and a Special Alloy Trap.

    3rd Classes RA_Maize_TrapMaize Trap
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Research Trap LV 1
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to earth property. Does not affect boss type monsters or players, and consumes one Green Live and a Special Alloy Trap.

    3rd Classes RA_Verdure_TrapVerdure Trap
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Research Trap LV 1
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to wind property. Does not affect boss type monsters or players, and consumes one Wind of Vedure and a Special Alloy Trap.

    3rd Classes RA_Cluster_BombCluster Bomb
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Research Trap LV 3
    Type: Active / Trap
    Description: A maximum of 3 traps can be placed at once. The trap detonates in an area 3 cells in front (away from the trap layer) and a width of 5 cells. The trap can be detonated via Detonator. Cluster Bomb cannot be removed by the hunter skill [Remove Trap]. Placing a cluster bomb consumes 1 special alloy trap.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Damage Power +100% +200% +300% +400% +500%
    Duration 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s

    3rd Classes RA_Wug_MasteryWarg Mastery
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: -
    Type: Active / Special
    Description: Allows you to summon a loyal 'Warg' wolf using a special wolf flute. In order to summon a warg you need to have the item [Wolf Flute]. Re-using the skill returns the Warg to the wild.

    3rd Classes RA_Wug_RiderWarg Rider
    Max LV: 3
    Prerequisites: Warg Mastery LV 1
    Type: Active / Special
    Description: Allows a ranger to mount their summoned Warg. Skill level increases your movement speed. While mounted a warg, you can't use any bow attacks or skills that are not Warg exclusive.

    3rd Classes RA_Wug_DashWarg Dash
    Max LV: 1
    Prerequisites: Warg Rider LV 1
    Type: Active / Special
    Description: Usable only when mounted on your Warg. Your warg runs in a straight line, and re-using the skill stops. You will automatically stop when hitting a wall or enemy. If you learn Warg Strike, you'll deal damage when running into the enemy.

    3rd Classes RA_Wug_BiteWarg Bite
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Warg Mastery LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Can't be used while mounted on the Warg. The warg leaps at a target, dealing damage and temporarially causing immibile status.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power 150% 200% 250% 300% 350%
    Duration 10s + Tooth of Warg Bonus 10s + Tooth of Warg Bonus 10s + Tooth of Warg Bonus 10s + Tooth of Warg Bonus 10s + Tooth of Warg Bonus
    SP Cost 40 44 46 48 50

    3rd Classes RA_Tooth_of_WugTooth of Warg
    Max LV: 10
    Prerequisites: Warg Mastery LV 1
    Type: Passive
    Description: Increases wolf damage and effect of wolf skills. Increased skill level increases damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Attack Power +6 +12 +18 +24 +30 +36 +42 +48 +54 +60

    3rd Classes RA_Wug_StrikeWarg Strike
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Tooth of Warg LV 1
    Type: Active / Damage
    Description: Can't be used while mounted on the Warg. The warg deals damage to a single target. Skill level increases the damage.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power +120% +240% +360% +480% +600%
    SP Cost 30 32 34 36 38

    3rd Classes RA_Sensitive_KeenSensitive Keen
    Max LV: 5
    Prerequisites: Tooth of Warg LV 3
    Type: Active / Detecting
    Description: The wolf uses his sense of danger to reveal hidden traps and players in a 7 x 7 area around the caster and deals damage. There's a chance to cast Warg Bite on targets in range.
    Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5
    Attack Power +150% +200% +250% +300% +350%
    Warg Bite Probability 8% 16% 24% 32% 40%

    Mensajes : 98
    Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2009

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  VampireLord Mar Feb 17, 2009 6:14 pm


    Paladin, "Royal Guard"

    Scholar, "Sorcerer"

    Clown, "Minstrel"

    Gypsy, "Wanderer"

    Champion, "Sura"

    Biochemist, "Genetic"

    Stalker, "Shadow Chaser"

    Toda esta informacion fue sacada de
    Black Of Fallen
    Black Of Fallen

    Mensajes : 52
    Fecha de inscripción : 30/01/2009

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  Black Of Fallen Miér Feb 18, 2009 1:19 am

    Buen aporte , gracias vampirelord.
    movido a destacados.

    3rd Classes Empty wowowoow

    Mensaje  Invitado Miér Feb 18, 2009 1:43 pm

    ta muy bueno gracias ojala que salgan rapido se ven exelentes...
    Black Of Fallen
    Black Of Fallen

    Mensajes : 52
    Fecha de inscripción : 30/01/2009

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  Black Of Fallen Jue Feb 19, 2009 6:06 am

    de echo hasta yo tengo los sprite de esos job's ya que gravity los proporciona atraves de sus actualizaciones , el problema esque , lo mas dificil es emular las distintan Skill's de cada job , ya que estas son nuevas y muchas tienen "rango de casteo" , por lo que es dificil emular (EJ: Warlock , cuando esta con varios warlock aumente su MakAtk me parece o disminuye el casteo de skill , bueno pero es algo asi).

    Aps y si es un gran aporte ya que , nunca cae mal un poco de informacion.

    Contenido patrocinado

    3rd Classes Empty Re: 3rd Classes

    Mensaje  Contenido patrocinado

      Fecha y hora actual: Dom Abr 28, 2024 6:44 am